Adult Ally Planning Tools

Community-Based Process Strategic Plan Map

Ohio Adult Allies facilitate youth-led programs. Youth-led programs are designed to empower young people to promote change in thYoung people need the guidance of adults in order to engage in the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and implement a strategic plan that uses evidence-based strategies to influence community-level change. The Community-Based Process Strategic Plan Map is designed to help adult allies articulate a theory of change and theory of action for developing young people’s knowledge, skills and attitudes to engage in this process.

The annotated handout demonstrates how each component of the Community-Based Process Strategic Plan Map relates to each other. A blank copy is also available for individual planning and use.


The Macroplan is designed to support adult allies in planning for the annual work of their youth-led program. It details the core steps needed to guide young people through a strategic planning process and implement program activities over time in order to reach their goal.

In order to complete the macroplan, place an “X” in the box corresponding with the month your group plans to complete each task. Note: activities may take more than one month to complete.

Activity Templates

Once adult allies have developed their overarching theory of change and outlined their theory of action,they can begin developing program activities designed to bolster the specific knowledge, skills and attitudes they determined their young people and group need. The Activity Template is designed to help adult allies intentionally plan for their meetings and work with young people.

Activity Template

Accessing Local Data Form

In order to engage in a strategic planning process youth-led programs need access to local quantitative data. A key task for adult allies, therefore, is to identify local data sources for young people to use. The Accessing Local Data form is designed to help adult allies find and access local data sources.

Intervening Variables Flowchart

The intervening variables flow chart is designed to support adult allies in their process of identifying data sources and determining if they have sufficient evidence for their young people to use to identify an intervening variable.

Logic Chain

The handout below provides an overview of the logic chain that holds the Youth-Driven Community-Level Strategic Plan Map together. It also includes guiding language (i.e. a formula) for articulating your overarching theory of change, comprised of a series of “if-then” statements. The theory of change is a core component of the Strategic Plan Map.

Logic Chain Quick Guide

The Community-Level Strategic Plan Map helps youth-led groups articulate their theory of change and theory of action for influencing change. The annotated handout demonstrates how each component of the strategic plan map relates to each other. To see an example of a completed Community-Level Strategic Plan Map click here.