Karen Lackey MSSA, LISW
Karen is an Independently Licensed Social Worker with 34 years in professional practice. She completed her graduate work in Non-Profit Management from Case Western Reserve Universityin 1989 with a specialization in Child and Family. Karen has worked in multiple service sectors including behavioral health, juvenile justice, school based prevention and youth residential treatment. She has developed many youth-serving programs in Ohio, including for Project Success, a Cooperative Learning based high school dropout reentry program in Medina County,and Project Self, a primary Teen Pregnancy Prevention program in Columbus City Schools. Karen was a member of the Ohio Youth Led Prevention Study Group in 2016, and co-authored the Conceptualizing Adolescence/ts briefing paper. Every program she has designed would not have been as successful if it weren’t for the input, guidance and feedback from the youth she intended to serve. It seemed a natural thing to do at the time, but OYLPN has transformed such youth involvement activities into a structured,evidenced youth-led process that works to empower all youth. She cannot be more proud to be apart of it.
Holly Jacobson M. Ed., OCPC
Holly is an Ohio Certified Prevention Consultant and Adult Ally to many young people in Geauga County. She completed her graduate work in School Counseling from Kent State University in 2010. Holly has worked to create a comprehensive youth-led program to empower the young people in Geauga County to create school and community level change over the past several years. She has been a part of the Ohio Youth Led Adult Allies training through Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services, The Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs at Ohio University, and Prevention Action Alliance. She has been working in the prevention field since 2012. When she started there were not any youth led prevention programs or groups and she has grown the program to nine youth led preventionchapters in 2 counties.

Jennie Canganelli, M.Ed., OCPS-RA
Jennie Canganelli is a Community Prevention Services Specialist and Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Instructor working with students in Geauga County schools for the Educational Services Center of the Western REserve. Jennie graduated from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Social Work (B.S.S.W.) and worked for over ten years as a Licensed Social Worker in various social service agencies. Jennie earned her Masters of Education Degree (M.Ed) in School Counseling from Cleveland State University. Jennie strongly believes in the importance of prevention education and utilizes her previous work experience and coursework in her current role as a TPP instructor and Adult Ally working with Geauga Youth Led Prevention. Jennie currently lives in Mentor, Ohio with her husband and two children.